Non classé | October 9, 2024

Six cinquième renews the identity of 2025 National Black Canadians Summit (article in FR)

(Cet article est paru le 2 octobre sur le Grenier) Le Sommet pancanadien des communautés noires (SPCN), organisé par la Fondation Michaëlle Jean (FMJF) et appuyé par le Groupe Banque TD, réunit chaque année plus […]

Summits | October 9, 2024

Six Cinquième’s Approach to Branding the National Black Canadians Summit

This article is was originally published on WorldBrandDesign on Sept 25th The National Black Canadians Summit (NBCS), organized annually by The Michaëlle Jean Foundation (FMJF) and presented by TD Bank […]

Non classé | August 1, 2024

Postponement of the 4th National Black Canadians Summit

To our partners and friends, We regret to inform you that the 4th National Black Canadians Summit, originally scheduled to take place in Montreal in early September 2024, will be […]

Summits | June 10, 2024

A message from TRH Michaëlle Jean and Mr. Jean-Daniel Lafond

“The Summit, with its focus on sharing and change through frank and courageous discussions, aims for a plan of action and novel initiatives that compel recognition. Be part of the […]

Summits | April 24, 2024

100 days to go – Get your Early Bird ticket for the 4th National Black Canadians Summit

Scheduled for September 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2024 at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal, the National Black Canadians Summit organized  by the Michaëlle Jean Foundation and presented by TD […]


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We believe in the power of art, and the power of youth.


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