United, let’s move forward in 2021!

The year 2020 changed the course of our history and that of the planet. In only a few weeks, all our certainties collapsed. Now, more than ever, we need to come together in solidarity and with resilience.

For the Fondation Michaëlle Jean Foundation, which works with young people aged 17 to 30 in situations of exclusion, the repercussions of 2020 are significant. They fear for their future and unfortunately, the imposed isolation heightens their feeling of exclusion.

For the past 10 years, the Fondation Michaëlle Jean Foundation has offered these young people programs that use the arts to make their voices heard and to regain their place in society. We are here to tell you that: Yes, the arts, and artists, can save lives!

On behalf of the co-founders and co-presidents, the board of directors, the executive director and the entire team, the Fondation Michaëlle Jean Foundation wishes you all a new year where we actively and profoundly listen to our youth and the most disadvantaged. A year filled with hope and fraternity.